Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Great Scandal of The Age - Dorothy Day's Word On The Eucharist

"The great scandal of the age is that those without the sacraments are so often superior in charity, courage, even laying down their lives for their brothers, to the 'practicing Catholic' who partakes of the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist and then stands by while his brother is exploited, starved, beaten, and goes on living his bourgeois life, his whole work being to maintain 'his standard of living,' and neglecting the one thing needful, love of God and brother." Dorothy Day March, 1954

Ah yes, Dorothy Day had something to say about the Eucharist and those who would like to put themselves above others, especially the poor. The poor who make us uncomfortable with their odor and filth. The poor who make us uncomfortable with their illnesses and put such a burden on the rest of us. The poor who have to work two jobs to make ends meet. Or those who finally realize that a government benefit pays more than a sevice job.

The US Catholic Bishops Conference is prepared to question who deserves the Eucharist. What hypocrites in fancy robes with rings, special hats and crosses around their necks. These are men who have overseen the abuse of children in the diocese that they lead. They have, for the most part, excluded gay, lesbian and transgender people from the sacraments and from their worship. These are men who really don't seem to know Christ or his teachings. They should study who and when Christ excluded people from his teaching.

As these sacramental policeman look for how to exclude people from the ranks of the church, they do so while living very well. Wonderful homes, gracious meals, making themselves comfortable before they comfort those who need it. Their behavior is shameful but not a surprise. Many people have left the church because of these so called leaders. Others accept the fact that the church left them. The church and leaders like this have left us on issues like war and peace, economic equality, racial justice, and so much more. Abortion has become the end all of their preaching with no recognition of a woman's role in her own life or the life of the church. 

I am not surprised that the US Catholic bishops have lost their way. Honestly they could never be depended on for the leadership that's necessary in an inclusive church. They have had their chance and have failed every time. 

God help poor Francis. Dorothy Day pray for us.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Donald Trump's Legacy - An End to Democracy

At this point I believe that democracy as we knew it in the US, ended in 2020. Many will find it hard to accept. Others will say that it hardly existed in the first place. But Donald Trump's legacy is that he and his Republican partners have in fact brought an end to democracy in the US and the same end to democracy is now spreading internationally.

It was easier than anyone thought. No blatant coup, no nuclear arsenal let loose, no troops deployed. It proved to be simple really. Lies, lies and more lies told over and over again and pushed through a disinformation campaign using the media and high tech companies to communicate the message.

Initially there were Republicans who were as horrified as anyone else at the gross untruths and methodologies but once people in that party's leadership realized the potential for their power-base everything changed and it changed dramatically. People may not have come on board until a few months into 2021 but the big lie had been seeded right after the 2020 election.

Yes, the big lie ended it all. It makes some feel good to continue to refer to it as a lie but in fact none of that matters since the lie has become enough of a truth for enough of the people. Yes, what killed democracy was the accusation of fraud in the general election. The allegation of widespread fraud, real or imagined is now an accepted tactic to be used in every election with a recognition that the allegation itself is enough to sink the results. Even if a winner is declared and certified, the people who declare and certify are determined to be part of the fraud. And just so it's clear, this tactic can and will be used by any party who loses an election.

Add to all of this legislative efforts to suppress and reduce voting rights which makes voting itself more difficult and more controllable. It becomes pretty clear that democracy doesn't have a chance in this environment.

None of this means that democracy can't come back. It can but people need to realize that it will be a fight like no other. It will require commitment and belief. It will require cooperation and negotiation. It will require radical confrontation with powerful people. Sadly, it will most likely lead to some level of violence by one side or the other and possibly both. Institutions of government as we know them, the House, the Senate, the Courts will all most likely undergo major changes. It will take brave people to stand up and speak truth to power.

I have no idea how any of it will end but I do know that this is Donald Trump's legacy and he has lots of partners.