Yes sir, his head bone's connected to his toe bone and every bone in between is racist. I'm talking of course about Donald Trump, President of the United States. It gives me no pleasure to state this fact but it seems it has to be stated over and over by as many people as possible until it sinks in to the governed, his administration and to his enablers in the Republican Party.
Donald Trump proves his racism everyday in his references to "the" blacks, "the" African Americans, "them", etc. his terminology is always that of a separatist and a white nationalist. From his rants years ago about the young men charged unjustly in the Central Park murder case, to Charlottesville and his reference to fine people on both sides. But his targeted attacks against the four young Congresswomen of color who he disagrees with politically is the worst example. It is a disgusting display by a person who should be bringing people, at home and around the world together.
Now for the really bad news. He is purposeful in his hatred and his attacks. He is not some political leader who is out there promoting something he believes in philosophically. He has one purpose - to divide and promote hate and yes to promote his agenda of hatred.
I have watched his defenders try to deflect his racism by talking about the 60's and the "Love it or Leave it" language of that time. What absolute fools. They don't seem to remember that the hatred spread by that language was also part of the white power structure that sent young black men and poor white men to fight an outrageous war in Vietnam. I was a young man protesting that war at every turn and in every way possible. Yes, I remember the chants about Love it or leave it, references to pinkos and commies. Shouts to go back to Moscow or to burn yourselves and not your draft cards. Oh it was a dandy world back then. Even a Cardinal of the Catholic Church preaching, no screaming, "my country right or wrong". Yes, "get out, go home!"
Let's remember, this is all about power and right now it's white power. It's all about nationalism and putting a lid on dissent. These four young Congresswomen of color have every right to say and believe what they want, as do I, and you and every other American. Dissent is what the country was built on. Dissent is our foundation and we have to protect that right even when we don't particularly agree with the message. "Love it or leave it" is absolutely no different than go back where you came from or "send her back". It is all racist. It is all unAmerican and anti-democracy. Be Strong! Resist!