Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Well, One Big Completed Project

Yes, with the publication of my book, Choosing the Hard Path: A Personal History and Memoir, that's one heck of a completed project. Anyone who tells you that writing and publishing is an easy task is most likely pulling your leg. It's complicated and takes a lot. Now the route I took was what's known as 'self-publishing' and there are all sorts of products out there to help guide you through the process.

I was lucky, extremely lucky, because my brother in law was able to introduce me to a publisher who would help me through the process of 'self publishing'. I guess in effect I had a hybrid process in that respect. Frankly I was in no shape, between health and age, to learn a whole new set of skills dealing with layout and uploading to an end publisher like Apple or Amazon.

My publisher ended up being a company near Lake Placid, NY run by Beth Rowland. High Peaks Publishing is their name and Beth's husband Tim is part of the team that brings everything to fruition. They've got a cracker jack designer and layout person, Ryan Harpster at Silverback Designs, who throws himself into all their projects. So, High Peaks takes the author's work, edits it, makes recommendations on order, placement, design and everything else you can think of, including hand holding. The whole process is like being on the publisher's team, or them being on your team. Either way, it doesn't matter.

They upload it to whatever platform you go with and...voila, you just got published. I really can't say enough about Beth, Tim and Ryan. I never could have done this without them. For an author who has no real history, reputation or experience, this is a great way to go.

So now it's over, that project at least and I really do feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. I've had some things I've wanted to say for decades that finally got out on the table and it feels good.

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Choosing the Hard Path

Choosing the Hard Path, A Personal History and Memoir, my book, is published. It isn't just a story, it's a series of stories, one right after the other. It's the story of a young family in New Jersey looking for a better life, one different than the previous generation of immigrants and working class folks who had to fight for every inch of recognition and success. 

It's the story of those immigrants and early Americans from places like Ireland, Scotland and Germany. They were butchers and farmers, seamstresses, and bakers, working and living hard in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Michigan. 

It's the story of the 60s where change was coming at high speed. Where parents scratched their heads at new music, new fashion and new ideas. The cars were faster and sleeker. Polaroid cameras gave people what they considered near instant pictures and tape recorders and high fidelity record players were things every one wanted.

It's the story of the civil rights movement. White liberals and religious groups got involved in things like Freedom Summer, Selma and Freedom Rides.

It's the story of a young man looking for his place, his vocation, his calling and all of the people he met.

Along the way and woven through these stories, one gets a sense of conflicts and choices needing to be made by lots of people, lots of players. Families struggled to understand each other. Political movements and leaders learned about and utilized new tactics to bring about change.

John Lewis, Dorothy Day, Dan and Phil Berrigan are a few of the people you'll meet but there are so many more.

Writing this book has been exciting for me. There are people who needed to be written about and that has been a joy. There are records and stories that needed to be set straight or clarified. I hope it offers something to historians and inquiring minds. Perhaps to people who are faced with their own hard paths and choices.

So, go to, books and search for Choosing the Hard Path: A Personal History and Memoir by Jim Wilson. The book is $16.95 + shipping and handling. Enjoy!


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Coming Soon - A Book About The 60's, Civil Rights, Vietnam and Family

Well folks, it's almost ready. Choosing the Hard Path, A Personal History and Memoir, by Jim Wilson. Yes, I've been working on this project for a long time, a lifetime I guess. It's near completion and will be available to purchase within the next month. Final proofing, design work and cover art are all taking place now.

Choosing the Hard Path, tells the story of a young man growing up in times influenced by Elvis Presley, the Kennedys, formica counter tops, Vatican ll, Martin Luther King, Jr along with shifting values and economics. Come along for the ride. Learn about growing up in that era and join in as a young man goes off to a Catholic seminary, college and protests.

You'll be surprised by some of the facts and some of the players. In the end though, you'll learn about experiences and choices that kept leading to more choices.

Final details will be posted here so watch for information and notices.