Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Now The Democrats Turn

Well the Republicans had their chance last week and pretty much blew it. From the mean spiritedness to Clint Eastwood, who in my opinion, seemed to be working as a double agent of some sort, making Obama's day.

As I said, there is a mean spiritedness that just comes through in both the speeches and on the faces of the Republicans. The poor - read welfare - the sick, the disabled, all seem to be at fault or worse yet just people to be ignored.

So now the Democrats will go at it. They are a different crowd. You can see it in all of their actions. From feeling comfortable in their crazy hats and outfits to cheering, chanting and booing. They seem to have more fun. But fun isn't the issue this time around. Millions are unemployed, families are losing their homes and a health crises always seems to be looming.

And then there's foreign policy, hardly touched in Tampa last week. The war in Iraq was ended under this President but we seem to have just shifted from there to Afghanistan. Iran seems to be next with some shouting for a preemptive strike. I hope some sanity prevails. It seems to be taking a long time for people to realize that in this day and age, war isn't an option anymore. Forget the moral arguments (for now). It just isn't any kind of practical solution to global problem solving.

There's also the environment. Whether it's fracking and gas drilling or climate change and natural resources, there are certainly enough challenges for all of us.

So the Democrats have their job cut out for them. There's lots to cover and people seem to be pretty sick of nothing getting done.

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