Thursday, August 22, 2013

Human Rights - The Evolution

As we approach the 50th Anniversary of the March On Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech, it's important to remember and note not only Dr. King's, but many of our own evolutions from civil rights to human rights. The civil rights movement was critically important in helping people to understand that rights are shared by all of us. Dr. King,prior to his death, was evolving in his own beliefs. He knew that poverty and wage inequality as well as war, were things that impacted everyone no matter what color of your skin.

Today, many more understand that human rights are about people, all people globally. Leaders like Dr. King could only embrace the inclusiveness of human rights - all cultures, religions and races, sexual orientation and abilities/disabilities. There are those who think all of this is just political correctness. No, it's an important evolution and recognition of how big and how broad human rights are and how everyone needs to be included. We all suffer when someone is excluded or discriminated against.

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