Friday, October 18, 2013

New Respect for Journalists and Commentators

Like everyone else, I have at times found it easy to criticize and put down the press. There are times that some in the profession make it easy but over the past few weeks I've gained or maybe regained respect for this group who work so hard to keep us informed.

Now I need to be clear, there are issues with some members of the press and probably always will be no different from any other profession. But by and large these are decent people trying to make sure that the rest of us have good information.

The lead up to, and the eventual government shutdown I think brought out the best in many of these folks and in addition it made me think about the job they were doing and how grateful I was. I guess we have Ted Cruz to thank for most of this. It was the first time that I remember seeing commentators become journalists and journalists become commentators (not necessarily a good thing). Perhaps it was because things were happening so fast or because people, including the media found themselves in a state of disbelief at least a couple of times a day.

I have a point of view that's left of center. Some would say far left. Others would probably say not left enough. But even I cringed a bit when some reporters started taking positions on Cruz and the Tea Party in general. It was only a little cringe though. Throughout the ordeal of watching a national party self implode and government ineptitude on every side, I was appreciative of the reporting and opinions I heard more then ever before. So it really did make me think about the role of journalists during a national crisis. I'm talking about all points of view here - right, left and center - factual reporting and opinion pieces. There was comfort in knowing that people were following what was going on and attempting to help us all figure out what it meant, sometimes pointing out that the tragedy would be if we didn't learning anything from the expierience.

Journalism and reporting makes us think. It helps us to question and sometimes provides needed answers. We don't have to agree with what's written or stated but we need to respect it enough to read it or listen. What we get may take us in a new or different direction. I certainly can get as frustrated as anyone else hearing or seeing opinionated reporting or commentary. I think though that I see it with a new set of eyes after the past few weeks and I enjoy it.

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