Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Grimm Reaper

Congressman Michael Grimm from NY looks like he could use a little anger management as well as some anti bullying training. If you're not aware, after the State of the Union address on Jan. 28th, Grimm was being interviewed by a NY1 reporter. After Grimm's comments about the speech the reporter tried to get him to comment about allegations concerning his campaign and some ethics issues that have been raised recently. Grimm left but then came back after the reporter was done and basically threatened to throw him off the balcony and alternately break him in half like a boy. All of this while the camera is still going.

We all can get frustrated and angry but most people at least try to keep that anger under control especially with a reporter whose camera is still running. Not Congressman Grimm. He takes on an obviously smaller individual and physically threatens him using belligernt and bleep-able  language.

On top of it all, this guy is a lawmaker. Someone who passes laws that all of the rest of us need to follow. Like, let's say anti bullying legislation and laws about assault and threats of bodily harm. It's also interesting that Grimm is always identified as an ex marine and former FBI agent. These things are true but somehow this builds on the image of a rough and tumble guy ready to fight his way out of the swamp or making highly physical arrests of bad guys, all with guns I'm sure.

It's hard and somewhat unbelievable to watch this Congressman aggressively approach the newsman who doesn't have the chance to turn off his own camera that he most likely set up for the interview. Grimm comes in hard, not loud and lets the reporter know in no uncertain terms that he'll physically deal with him if there's ever a next time. Some of his words don't even make sense. He talks about breaking the reporter in half like a boy. What the hell is that supposed to mean? That little boys are easy to break in half? Or is it some reference to how little boys get broken in half? Sounds like a high school bully talking to a middle schooler. Sounds a bit weird also.

We sometimes wonder out loud why we have the problems that we do with violence and bullying. Well the service Congressman Grimm provides is to crystalize the issue for us. What should we expect when a Congressman thinks it's acceptable to physically threaten someone he doesn't agree with or someone who annoys him. Our role models - Congressman, sports figures, teachers and on and on, can all be found doing some pretty weird things and there should be consequences. Elections, hiring decisions, legal actions are all things that can be part of those consequences. The reality though is that in Grimm's mind, his actions were acceptable. He has since apologized and the reporter has accepted his apology. I think his apology has more to do with seeing himself caught in a compromising position then any real concern about his actions. He should really think this one through. I hope he calms down a bit. Life is too short.

And here is some additional information from POLITICO click here. If true, much worse then I thought.

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