Friday, April 3, 2015

Obama's Deal - Better Than The Alternative

There are many details still to be worked out and additional things that people need to see relative to the deal that the Obama administration and the State Department announced yesterday with Iran. Having said that, the outline and framework are certainly better than the alternative which is a war with Iran to knock out what many purport to be nuclear facilities and resources. It is so amazing to me that there are those who talk so easily and confidently about bombing people and countries as if it is simple and would carry no additional consequences.

There are always those who choose war over peace. They usually have other plans that are tied to the choice - economics, power or control tend to top the list but hatred of enemies or an entire culture also make it sometimes. Many times they drown out the voices of peace through sheer volume or persistence. People have to measure all of this against values and judgement of facts. Many of those promoting war or at least the threat of bombs are the same people who took this country to war in Iraq. Falsehoods were presented then and some of those voices still refuse to admit that they were wrong then. Somehow we are led to believe that their wisdom today is just what we need.

No one wants to see the proliferation of nuclear weaponry. It is a very real danger that faces the whole world. It has happened over the years due to bad policy and bad relationships. This President is not responsible for what occurred over so many years and so many administrations. Lets at least give him that. What he has done is worked hard to find a solution to the latest threat in that direction and now he needs support from everyone, including Congress. People should review the details and the parameters but in the end we should all try with all of our might to 'give peace a chance.' The alternative is war and not one without serious consequences for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Not to get all 'churchy', but this is exactly what I offered in my short homily following the Palm Sunday procession last Sunday. Those along the way shouting their Hosannas were greeting their 'messiah' and expecting a military victory,and a leader to overthrow the oppressors. Instead, in a week's time they were faced with his death and the complete and utter disaster they thought it was. Instead, God turned it all around and gave them victory over death, in a completely non-violent way: resurrection. That tendency to go for the military victory over any other way continues to haunt us in 2015.


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