Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lets Blame The Mentally Ill For Everything

It seems that's the thing to do these days - mass shootings take the lead in these conversations but it happens in other topics too. When the discussion comes about relative to shootings, it's not about the availability of guns, including assault weapons and powerful ammunition. Instead the focus is on the mentally ill - you know the really crazy people. You know who they are, right? We're not talking about the people who occasionally get upset at poor service in a bar or restaurant and make a scene. Of course not. We're not talking about the man who every once in a while gets upset at his wife or girlfriend. Somehow, that's become normal behavior. Certainly we can't be talking about the otherwise rational human being who gets upset with others in traffic and goes through a little road rage. These aren't the mentally ill people we're talking about. These are just people who sometimes walk around with weapons.

Add to all of this the concept of more people walking around with concealed or open carry weapons keeping us all safe. Vigilanteism at its best. More people, more guns and we'll all be safer. Just don't get caught in the crossfire. None of this is crazy.

So as I see it, maybe we should blame more things on the mentally ill. How about the ineffectiveness of Congress and the President? Its got to be the mentally ill. Then there's taxes. That too has to be the  fault of the mentally ill. The environment and climate change - these have to be the result of the mentally ill too. See, it's easy. Anything you can imagine is really the fault of the mentally ill and there's not much we can do about it unless we round them all up and put them in one big place.

Somebody's looking at me funny so I have to go.

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