Friday, December 25, 2015

It's All About Dignity

Everything is about dignity. How we treat and talk about each other, people, animals, the earth, other religions, cultures, political parties, beliefs. Everything, yes everything is about dignity. How are we doing in that regard? The hateful speech of late, the policies - current and proposed, the taunting, the bullying.

I happen to believe that dignity is pretty basic. When we're right, humble and kind it's in play. When people or other things are hurt, a clear lack of dignity is always exposed for everyone to see. It seems so simple and in reality it is. Sometimes though, we just get sidetracked, all of us. We allow other forces to take over. Insulting other people, belittling their religion, even removing them from our presence, laughing and giggling at someone's misfortune or status. Dignity - a little word that needs a lot more attention these days.

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