Friday, January 12, 2018

Hatred and Racism As A Response To A Political Base

Donald Trump's Presidency is terrible theatre. At least we could turn off the Apprentice or change the channel when he was on TV and providing a show, but this is real. The hatred he spews is not a show it's very real.

But let's try to understand the showman. As recently as this week, Donald Trump met with a bi-partisan group of Senators, Congressmen and women, to discuss a way forward for people who have been named Dreamers. He showed himself off as someone who could bring people together to discuss a tough issue centered around immigration. But if we look closely at his act, we see that he truly is a fake President.

Soon he got pushback from the people defined as his political base. These folks were shocked and angry that he seemed to be so reasonable about an issue that he yelled about in his campaign speeches. Yes, we need to understand it, there are people who expect and cheer hateful speech from Donald Trump. Yes, there are people who expect and cheer the authoritarian and strong man language spoken most of the time by Donald Trump. That should make everyone think hard about this Presidency, this man and this country.

So yesterday, the showman, the leader of the US, responded in his own way. He made sure that he threw out more bait to his base. He spoke hateful words about whole countries Haiti, El Salvador and all of Africa. Who knows if his words are from his heart or a political trick from a trickster? Frankly, it doesn't matter. His words are disgusting, racist and full of hate. I have little power and less recognition but I want to add my apology to all of the countries and people who were insulted yesterday by Donald Trump.

This man was elected President purely by mistake. He was elected by a lot of mistakes by a lot of people. He is what we have, but he deserves little if any respect. What he has done and what he is doing to our country is appalling in my view. We can not, should not be known as a country led by such a hateful man. Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals need to realize, there is no longer anyplace to hide. People cannot ignore the lying and the hate anymore. Every bully needs a time of reckoning, a time of consequence.

The memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. was insulted today. These are shameful times for all of us.

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