Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Plot Thickens!

If it were a novel, it may be interesting, perhaps even enjoyable. A President elected with the help of a foreign power, a purported enemy to boot. An attack against open and free elections, similar to prior attacks by us against other countries and their elections. Outrage, frustration, investigations and partisan calls to protect or throwout the newly elected President. Schizophrenic behavior by this official with dabs of paranoia and a Napoleon complex. Hiring the best generals and the smartest business people followed by insulting firings of the idiots who were the best and the smartest months later.

Having fun yet? It goes on and gets better or worse depending on your point of view. Random attacks on people, individuals, groups and institutions. The media is the enemy of the people. The FBI is dirty and corrupt. The CIA and intelligence community don't know which end is up. Everyone's incompetent and no one's sleeping very well at night. The Republican Party is in effect dismantled and replaced by a 35% base of people who love rallies. A midterm election shifts power in the House of Representatives. The government shuts down at year end and continues into the new year.

The chief investigator continues to investigate at a maddening turtle's pace. People are arrested, indicted, sometimes sentenced and singing like Mocking Birds. Different tunes at different times but lots of tweeting.

A young Russian woman is arrested and starts to cooperate. She has info that could be damaging to both the American and Russian President. This should help the investigator. He and his crew get excited. Suddenly, an American is arrested in Moscow. He's accused of spying. Government's begin posturing and negotiating. Ah yes, the plot thickens......Will the spies be swapped, taking away the investigator's potential for proving COLLUSION? We'll have to wait and see. Sadly, this is no novel. It's real life as we enter 2019. Hold on to your hats!

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