Sunday, April 28, 2019

Choosing Not To Feed The Hate

It has become way too easy to feed the hate that exists in America and the world. Donald Trump has made it easier as have all the people who have found it easier to spew hate because of him. I'm not just talking about his base and his strongest supporters. No, the hate is coming from every angle and from every part of the political spectrum. It's coming from Republicans, Democrats, progressives and conservatives, young and old, black and white. Yes, people are finding it easier to yell and scream at each other with their voices or through their keypads. The hatred that has been spawned by our current political environment is being justified and encouraged as a way to fight back. People honestly believe that they shouldn't just sit back and take hate or even a philosophical disagreement with those they disagree with anymore.

So the divisions widen, positions harden, terrible things are said and generalizations are made about Republicans, Democrats, Muslims, Jews and Christians. Our tribalism kicks in and we are encouraged by those who think like us and insulted by those who don't. In the end, we see the results with 19 year-olds or 70 somethings who grab a weapon and attack people they deem to be the enemy on that particular day and in that particular place.

I decided a long time ago that my beliefs require me to speak up and act against injustice, poverty and violence. But speaking up and acting against those things doesn't require that I feed the hatred. I'm struggling along with many others to find ways to cope and move forward in a world that has become one big punching bag. A world where we let others dictate our decency by showing how outrageous they can be. I don't like the results. I don't believe this is the way people should treat each other.

Some will ask, what's your solution and I have to admit that I don't have many answers. The only thing I know is that I'm choosing not to feed the hate. I would rather not spend the energy on the hate. I'd rather find ways to help other people become whole if they've been hurt, fed if they're hungry or respected if they need it. We all have to change if we want the world to change. We can't keep living in a tabloid world or looking for reality show leaders and we can't continue to hate at the level that I'm seeing.

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