Sunday, August 4, 2019

We Reap What We Sow!

Let's be clear. Racism is being preached from the highest levels of the US Government. Hatred is being enabled by the silence and inaction of people who should know better. Talk of invasions by immigrants and chants of people going back to where they came from are encouraged. Humans are called illegals and families and children are held in cages. It has been stated by many others that Donald Trump has been playing with fire with his rhetoric and actions. Yes, he has and the fire is raging.

Statements about immigrants, people of color and different cultures or religions is not a mental health issue. These statements are methods that feed hate. Yes, we are dealing with domestic terrorism by white nationalists. It is time to recognize it and understand it. Violent language, hateful language, begets violence and hate.

It's time for all of us to speak up. It's time to fill the streets. It's time to counteract the hate, no matter where it comes from including on social media. Politicians and religious leaders have to be held accountable. Haters and hate groups need to be called out for who and what they are. We are reaping what has been sown by the hatred and the silence. It can't continue. We need to shame hateful leaders. We need to shame silent politicians. We need to shame white nationalists and racists. We need to shame domestic terrorists.

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