Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Constitution and Democracy Under Siege

I'm to the point where I sometimes wonder why I continue to write. I usually come around quickly as I'm reminded that writing has become my form of protest and resistance. It's not as easy to march, rally, be arrested or go to jail as it was in my youth. Especially now as I experience more physical limitations. So I write because I believe it may stir a conscience here or there. Writing is my form of protest. Perhaps it will help to set off the alarm bells and sirens as we see institutions and values crumbling in front of our eyes.

Which brings me to the crumbling state of our Constitution and our democracy. It is not only those things that are crumbling by the way. We are also seeing the Republican Party disappearing before our eyes. I watched the Impeachment Trial last night as the House Managers wrapped up their case and presentation against President Donald Trump. There have been criticisms about the repetition and tediousness of the trial so far. There has also been praise for the arguments and passion that Adam Schiff and others have given through the process. The building of a solid case for impeachment and removal from office based on facts has been laid out.

The signs of trouble ahead though are very clear. A GOP Senator sends a note to the Chief Justice and complains about strong arguments that can and should be made about how enabling a President can make you a participant in the coverup of his actions. Others feign outrage when Adam Schiff quotes a news article about what the President's reaction may be if GOP Senators vote against his positions. Imagine, quoting a news article. Yes these are the so called moderate Senators who are so disgusted with Schiff but who at the same time accept the language and actions of a Presidential bully. Yes Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins are so offended by Schiff's words but they accept Donald Trump's boorish behavior. That's not all that they accept. They seem to accept that the Constitution cannot be upheld when a demagogue is in power. They seem to accept that their branch of government is not equal to the Executive or Judicial branches. They seem to accept that misconduct and foreign interference in our elections is okay and the norm. They seem to accept that a rigged trial without witnesses or crucial documents is the new standard. These are the moderates.

Now we await the President's defense. His lawyers are about to attack the process and attack the opposition. They will try to persuade the jurors and judges that they don't need witnesses or documents. They will argue about Executive Privilege that has not been invoked. Finally they will most likely do what the President tried over and over to do. They will probably attack the President's political opponent. They will question Joe Biden's ethics and actions while accepting the actions and ethics of Donald Trump. The question is, will they argue the facts? Will they defend the facts? We shall see. People are hoping for some kind of epiphany or perhaps a turnaround in the partisan positions taken by both sides. But hoping never works very well. Hoping is not an action. Real actions are going to be necessary very soon.

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