Monday, June 1, 2020

The Night We Became The States of America

It was June 1, 2020 a little before 7pm. A large group of peaceful protesters were cleared from the streets surrounding the White House in Washington, DC. They were pushed quickly and violently from the area by Military Police, the Federal Park Police and the US Secret Service. Loud smoke bombs, rubber bullets, shields, tear gas and mounted horses were used in the attack on Americans in their own land at their own Capitol. It was eerily familiar to people who had marched in places like Selma to see these sights.

At the same time Donald Trump spoke from a podium in the Rose Garden. There he read a statement filled with words that will go down in history, reminding people that they had elected a pretty crazy person who didn't understand the Constitution that he took an oath to uphold. His statement was both sad and shocking. He referred to himself as the law and order President and yet mentioned nothing of George Floyd's illegal death in Minneapolis . He said he was defending peaceful protesters as he was having them removed from the streets around the White House. He threatened to send Federal troops and the military into individual States. He spoke of domination, similar to the ways some police across the country dominate citizens.

After that, this man who had been mocked about his being taken to a bunker in the White House, walked over to St. John's Church as if he wanted to show off his bravery and manhood. He took the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was dressed in fatigues, with him. It was for a photo op with a Bible at a place of worship. It ended up being an expression of impotence and incompetence. A faked attempt at messaging.

Having said that, it was also a visual announcement to our country that we had formerly become, under Donald Trump, the States of America. We are no longer united in any way. The reality show President has taken us to this place. Yes, he has taken us to the worst reality show Presidency that anyone could ever imagine. No, sadly we are divided. We have soldiers and police following orders that in their hearts, they may know are questionable. There are Cabinet members and White House staff and Senators and Congresspeople who don't know what to do next. Governors have been threatened to follow Trump's orders or be damned.

All of this should sadden the entire country and the world. It seems the United States is gone. Its remnants are a mess. Donald Trump created his carnage and his swamp. Institutions have been torn down. Competent people have been removed from critical jobs and functions. All of this has happened in the middle of a pandemic that has killed over 100,000 Americans.

So here we are the States of America, looking for answers, struggling for solutions and we all watched it happen formally on June 1, 2020. I fear it is not over.

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