Saturday, October 2, 2021

What Did We Learn -The Week of 10/2/21?

So what did we learn this past week, around the world and from sea to shining sea? Here are a few things.

We learned the grim fact that 700,000 people have died of Covid-19 in the US. Imagine, 700,000 lives that we most likely didn't have to lose. And we're on track to continue losing lives as many refuse to get vaccinated.

We learned that a jury found R. Kelly guilty on all counts of his sex trafficking case in New York. He faces 100 years in prison.

We learned that Joe Manchin doesn't trust poor people, or at least people who are poorer than him, which includes a lot of us. He hates entitlements. Thinks they make people lazy and soft. He wants to see things means tested. We also learned he's one of the most entitled people in his home state of West Virginia where his constituents struggle with poverty, hunger, medical care, broadband, drug use, and jobs. 

We learned that what the media has been calling Joe Manchin's 'houseboat' on the Potomac is actually a $700,000 yacht (although he paid $200,000 for it, it is insured and valued at $700,000). Oh yes, he hates entitlements.

We learned that vaccine mandates seem to work. Yes some people quit their jobs in various places but as they learned, that's their choice. Employers, healthcare facilities and consumers will all be better off knowing that people providing services are safe.

We learned that California will require vaccines for all eligible children.

We learned that more subpoenas went out related to the Jan. 6th insurrection. This time to people involved in the organizing and planning of the 'Stop the Steal' event.

We learned that progressives in Congress have figured out how to hold strong on issues that are important to them and their constituents.

We learned that no one seems to know what Republicans are in favor of - not the right to vote, not paying our debts, not creating jobs, etc.

We learned that more and more Republicans are switching their name calling of Democrats from socialists to Marxists because they've worn out the socialist critique. Nazis and Marxists are the new attacks.

We learned through a hack of the Oathkeepers data base that over 200 law enforcement officials, currently employed or retired, have links to the organization and involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

We learned that conservatorships like any other law or system can be abused and that Brittany Spears' father is no longer in control of her conservatorship.

We learned that we should all give our heating systems a test drive before temperatures dive quickly.

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