Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Movies: The Hobbit and Lincoln

First I should make it really clear that I'm not a movie reviewer and frankly hardly ever go to the movies. I like to watch older movies in my home environment. I can control the snacks, volume and even a restroom break if needed. Having said that, I did have the opportunity to see two movies over the holidays and they're both worth seeing in my opinion.

The first was The Hobbit. I saw it in 2D and have no idea how I'd survive the 3D version. This was my first expierience with Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series so I didn't know what to expect. I was never able to read Tolkien. I think I was supposed to in school but just couldn't get through any of it. My loss I'm sure. The movie was great. I really enjoyed it. From talking to others, this movie will help me in viewing the others relative to context. Anyway it's a good movie. I saw it in a Big Box Theatre in New Jersey. Big comfortable seats. Volume that was annoyingly loud. I hadn't had lunch and have to watch my diet relative to popcorn so I looked for some alternative. What I say next makes no sense for someone watching what they eat. There they were on the menu board - 4 Nathan's Hot Dog Sliders. Almost as soon as I ordered the sliders and the oversized soda, I knew I had made a mistake. The sliders were awful but I managed two. Into the show washing everything down with that big soda. About two hours into the close to three hour show, my kidneys were ready to blow. I made it through but still think I may have damaged some body parts. I validated my choice for home movies.

But I knew I wanted to see Lincoln and I wasn't going to wait for a DVD or Cable. This time I went to a small hometown theatre. The volume was much better and having learned my lesson I was able to purchase a reasonably sized soda. I bought an oversized bag of candy and settled in. This is another great movie, different of course but really well done. Lots of dialogue that requires concentration. The relationships between Lincoln, his Cabinet members and his political friends and foes are really interesting. Plus he has his family relationships that provide challenges along the way. I've heard that the movie is historically accurate but I have no idea really. Interesting to see the similarity between historic and contemporary issues relative to political issues. The bottom line is that it really is a great movie with some really great acting. As I said, I saw it in a small hometown theatre. As the movie ended there was silence. A few young women toward the front of the audience began applauding and were soon joined by others in the audience. I don't think this happens that often but I was glad to join in. I have read and heard about different reactions - people sitting in silence contemplating what they just saw is one.

All of this may change my view of movie going but I do still like some of the old timers and also like that environmental control. We'll see.

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