Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where Are His Clothes?

Many remember the story by Hans Christian Anderson about the Emperor who had no clothes but here's a quick synopsis for those who may need to be reminded.
Long ago there was a very vain Emperor who cared for nothing except wearing and displaying fine clothes to impress all of his followers. He hires two swindlers who promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric that they say is invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "hopelessly stupid". The Emperor suspects something and asks two of his most trusted ministers to view the cloth. They cannot see the cloth themselves, but pretend that they can for fear of appearing unfit for their positions and the Emperor does the same. Finally the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor marches in procession before his subjects. The townsfolk play along with the pretense not wanting to appear unfit for their positions or stupid. Then a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but continues the procession.
This story fits so nicely with many things happening around us today. It's interesting how one's view of the world changes or is controlled by what we think we see.
I was reminded of this recently after my last post and various articles I've seen about the restoration of funding for people with developmental disabilities in NYS. The Governor, legislators and statewide advocacy groups have all become more and more vocal and proud of the restoration of $90 Million in the state budget. I've read and reread many of these articles and frankly I can't figure out the math. Dare I say it? I don't think anything has been restored. I think the celebration is much like the procession. In reality, the Emperor has no clothes and yet everyone is shouting and clapping their hands. Of course no one wants to admit that this all ended up being a public relations coup for the Governor and various other elected officials. No one wants to admit that between efficiencies - some real and some manufactured, audit recoupments, the hope of federal incentives and the promise that if there is a shortfall, the difference will be made up - there is no restoration of $90 Million.
All I can say to various groups and individuals is - open your eyes real wide. Look closely. Count the dollars yourself. I for one don't think you've gained anything. I'd love to be proven wrong in this case but I just can't see those clothes.

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