Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall In The Finger Lakes

The past few weeks have been beautiful in the Finger Lakes and on Seneca Lake. Sun shining and temperatures actually rising. Grape harvesting and wineries busy with plenty of visitors. Grape growers have been hoping, praying, wishing for some warmer temps as this helps with the ripening of the fruit. The leaves seem to be changing colors very quickly. Take a ride and you can almost see the changes from the time you leave to the time you get back. The next week looks like continued good weather with some cooler temperatures coming but still good working weather.

That's what I've been getting done. Lots of outside work and organizing of space preparing for dare I say it, winter. I've gotten more done this year than I ever have in the past. Could be because I go so little done during the summer. Who Knows? I feel good about all of the work and the prep. Garden has been harvested, rototilled, manure added and worked into the soil. Some brush clearing and trimming, house pressure washed, and new floor covering put in garage. NYSEG's contracted crew swept through the neighbordood last week trimming trees close to power lines. That helped identify some additional branch cutting and tree removal that has to occur. Hope to get to it this week.

Also trying to organize/reorganize some space in the basement and a few outside sheds that have just become drop off points over the years. Always fun trying to decide what stays and what goes. We all know the drill. Arguments with yourself, your partner, the dog or anyone who will listen and participate. Things get put in piles, some tentative, others almost definite, and once in a while get moved from one to the other. All of this uncovers more work to be done - cleanup, re-stacking, new bins or shelves, etc. Great to find all of the things you've gone out and re-bought because you couldn't find them when you needed them.

I'm also finding some time to get some reading done. Started NYS Senator Kirstin Gillibrand's book "Off The Sidelines - Raise Your Voice, Change The World". It's a good read and she's pretty impressive.

If you're from the Finger Lakes, find some time to get out and indulge in the beauty of the area and get some things done. If you're from elsewhere, come visit, relax and enjoy these seasonal changes.

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