Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Cancer and Not Cancer Life

I have a feeling that what I say here is something that lots of people have experienced. It's basically about the ups and downs of battling cancer. I used to be bothered by that terminology - battling cancer, a courageous fight, etc. but I've become much more comfortable with the language since I'm in the fight.

My not cancer life is pretty normal, probably much like yours. Getting up in the morning, doing what needs to be done, planning the day, taking on everyday responsibilities and enjoying most of it. I watch the news, some entertainment in the evening and then hit the sack, starting all over the next day. There are great interactions with people along the way, family, friends, colleagues and just people I meet.

My cancer life is very different. It comes with triggers. They're pretty straight forward. A scheduled doctor's visit, a blood test, a bump, a pain, something different in my body that I can sense or feel. I think it makes sense. I think most people will react the same way but it's a struggle, a fight if you will.

Earlier this week I had a six month check up since my surgery for colon cancer this past June. This takes place every three months and it's part of my cancer life. It starts with a blood test a week or two prior to the appointment. There's always apprehension. Sometimes there's outright fear. It ends with the appointment itself and the doctor letting you know all is well relative to blood work and how you seem to be doing. There's a surge of joy and energy and relief. Thank God!

And that was my expierience this past week - blood test, doctor's appointment and a confirmation that everything's ok for another three months. Unless of course I have one of those odd pains or a new bump to contemplate. It is a fight. It is a battle. So if you know someone with cancer or if you hear those terms and feel they're odd or strange, I hope this helps you understand them a little better.

Now back to my not cancer life.

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