Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hibernating In The Finger Lakes of NYS

Like so many others, that's what I've been spending the last few weeks doing - hibernating, trying as hard as possible to stay out of the cold, trying to stay warm. Tonight there are wind chill advisories of -25 to -30 degrees again and the driveway has won the battle of clearing, blocking, blocking, clearing, etc. The wind from last night did me in and drifting snow plus brutal temperatures forced me to just say the hell with it. I did venture out today and the all wheel drive had no problem so I'll just follow tracks in the drive for awhile.

It has been one heck of a winter here in the Finger Lakes, throughout the northeast and many other spots around the country. Many of us have experienced some seasonal depression. I know this from conversations with others. There have been times that I've thought how great it would be to have a nice cozy place to sit and read a good book or two during the winter months but this winter hasn't been the time I guess. Maybe it's too cold to read or perhaps it's just too hard to focus. For whatever reason, I haven't been able to do it.

I've finally realized after weeks of listening to weather reports that the weather people are a good part of the problem. They love to report over and over how cold it is, how cold it was and how cold it's going to be. They can make two days of sustained cold weather feel like a week very quickly and they seem to enjoy it.  Add to that their safety precautions, pleas to check on neighbors, closings, wind chill reports and predictions for more snow and 48 hours seems endless. On top of that we have a Governor who has taken on the responsibilities of local officials announcing no travel and road closures. It's enough to drive you really crazy.

So I've been spending most of my time at home. My day consists of some fairly long conversations with my deaf and blind Beagle. I do all of the talking as we bump into each other in a narrow hallway. My other dog, a shelter adopted Brittany, likes to romp in the snow until ice balls form between his toes and then he limps to the door with me, happy but done with the damn snow. When he comes in he loves to sit and stare at the fire in the fireplace and I stare at him enjoying his comfort.

So hibernating it is. I just can't find the energy or the wherewithal to get much of anything done. I'm doing some planning for my trip to Selma, Al to remember and celebrate 50 years since the bridge crossing. I'm thinking about painting the basement - even got the paint. Baking bread and scones would be good therapy I guess, but....But I'm going to hibernate for a few more days. Remember there's a wind chill advisory, check on your neighbors, watch the ice. Peace!

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