Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Truth Telling

This entry could just as easily be titled "Confidence" or "Speaking Up" but "Truth Telling" will do. You see I really believe we need more of it and we certainly need more people with confidence to stand up and speak out.

It seems to be needed everywhere - at local board meetings, at town hall meetings sponsored by elected officials, at "listening" sessions and planning meetings. How about at that staff meeting or at a meeting with government beaurocrats telling you about new rules or funding cuts. It's needed at demonstrations, rallies, and in news coverage.

I saw a statement recently that was clear in its simplicity - Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes. We certainly need that type of truth telling and everyone should be encouraged to stand up and tell that type of truth - truth with passion, the hard and sometimes scary truth.

A lot of truth telling gets shared through personal stories. Sometimes these stories are hard to tell. Sometimes they are very personal. Sometimes though it can be as simple as getting up and stating the facts as you know them to a large group of people and that in itself can be the scary part. But that's how we all learn, by listening to each others' experiences. So truth tellers, beside telling the truth, need confidence. Don't worry about how you sound or if you're going to say things perfectly. Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.

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