Thursday, May 26, 2016

2016 Election Blues

I've got 'em - the 2016 election blues! They're here and probably will stay for awhile. I've tried everything - laughing it all off as a joke, getting angry, trying to ignore it, shutting off the cable news, but nothing seems to work. Reality always sets in and I get nervous and jumpy about the future, mine and everyone else's.

It seems I just have to accept the fact that this year's presidential election has in fact turned into a reality TV show and the public is getting what they want and crave. The news media with its 24/7 cycle is part of it, sometimes creating 'news' where there is none. Breaking News announcements about protests and near riots in places where police, their horses and the media themselves outnumber  any protesting crowd.

Candidates as front runners who few people trust and who are viewed and followed for their entertainment value will someday lead our country. I watch the crowds behind all of these candidates  at their campaign events for some sign of hope and have a hard time finding it as I scan the faces. People yelling, cheering and waving signs at whatever their candidate says.

It's debilitating and it leads to these election blues. Especially when I realize we haven't even gotten to the conventions yet and have another six months of all of this until the general election. When you think it couldn't get uglier or more stupid, it gets uglier and more stupid and people cheer about it. More red meat, more fodder, more insults and attacks. An unbelievable mess.

Of course we've brought it on ourselves. We've all accepted these inadequate candidates. We've watched and allowed a dysfunctional Congress. We've disapproved of them but rewarded them at the same time.

I'm shutting out as much of this noise as I can, reassesing my own values and priorities. That's about all any of us can do at this point. Perhaps all of this is like the rest of the TV shows. Ratings matter eventually. Tuning out may be the only option for it to all end. Please. Deep breaths, calm music, breathe slowly......

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