The area I live in, like so many others right now is struggling through a dry, a very dry season. I'm lucky to be able to draw water from a beautiful, large lake. For the past few weeks I've been watering flower gardens, trees and shrubs to keep things alive, fresh and colorful. I'm amazed at what I see and experience during this simple task that takes me around my yard each morning.
Here are just a few examples. Three magnificent Osprey calling out to each other, or to me or to an enemy, high above, flying in circles. Wings spread with white underbellies, coasting along with the wind. The neighborhood Humming Bird, in full rest, on a wire across my driveway, contemplating the nectar from a red flower in the distance. The Honey Bee drinking from the birdbath as I'm filling it with fresh water, getting caught in a whirlpool and floating over the edge to the ground. There I watch as the bee flaps and dries its wings in the grass, taking off a minute later. The Butterflies, Grasshoppers and Crickets are out in force, moving between blossoms or from stem to stem, reacting to the sprinkles of water. One of many cats, sitting, watching me and the movement of the hose and waiting for her chance to stand at the birdbath and drink fresh, cool water.
I decide to spray a tall tree to hydrate its leaves and as I look up, close to a puffy cloud I see a huge dark spot. I look closer and see the white feathers on the fan of the tail. There it is in all of its beauty, a Bald Eagle soaring, gliding above my house and Seneca Lake. No flapping of wings. Pure and simple soaring in circular patterns.
Every morning there's something new to see, if I take the time to look for and see these wonders of nature.
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