That's who he is, Donald J. Trump, the President of Chaos. It's who he is. It's where he came from. His entire career has been built on creating and constructing chaos. Every deal, real estate and everything else, has been embroiled in confusion and chaos. That's how he has gotten things done. When facts have gotten in the way, he has diverted, created smoke, mirrors and distractions.
Why then are we surprised when that same mode of operation is being used to 'lead' and 'govern' the US? Part of the answer is because most people have some level of decency and ethics and therefore expect someone they put in charge to have similar values. And lets be clear, like it or not, we did put this character in charge.
But Donald Trump is proving everyone wrong or some of us right depending on your perspective. He has stretched every limit - ethics, presidential powers, relationships, appointments, etc. He has pushed everything to the most extreme edge, including how a 71 year old man in a leadership role presents himself and talks to an audience of boys and young men. Yes, he's pushed us to our limits. He has bullied and maligned his own staff. He has insulted allies and praised traditional enemies. Yes, it is Donald Trump and his brand of chaos. He is who he is.
We have to realize that it's his way of doing business, it's his way of governing and it's disgusting. It's an insult to all of us - those who support him, those who oppose him and those who work for him. He is doing great harm to all of us and he's enjoying it. Frankly, I'm not sure he really has any idea of what to do or how to govern and this boorish behavior is partly his way of compensating.
Yes, we have to admit it. The President of the US is theatre. He is his own reality show. He is a clown and a buffoon to boot. He is also dangerous. People seem confused about his recent treatment of Jeff Sessions. Watch closely what he's doing and prepare for the worst. The public shaming of Sessions has had and will have its effect. He (Sessions) will be pushed to more conservative actions related to leaks and pressure that will be put on the press and free speech. He will be pushed on immigration and sanctuary cities. Sessions now has to prove himself to a brutal boss. Donald Trump in his creation of chaos will continue to push these issues to whatever limit there is. Mueller may be fired. Sessions will continue to be shamed and bullied and sadly Republicans in Congress will wring their hands about when, what and if they say anything.
The worst behavior however was the speech this week to 12 to 18 year old Boy Scouts. Talking to these young men about issues like Medicaid, Medicare, Health Insurance - issues that their parents are struggling to live with and understand is beyond irresponsible. Talking to these same men about his election and airing grievances about opponents is sad and embarrassing. To lead these young men to boo a former President is without any class.
But the chaos continues, tweeting military policy without a plan on implementation, tweeting insults, bullying whoever gets in his way or who he perceives as changing the script to his movie. People of conscience and people in leadership positions have to begin speaking up as loudly and as clearly as possible. The joke, the theatre has gone too far.
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