Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Donald Trump Must Go

The time has come. We have to recognize that Donald Trump is a very sick man. He is a shameful person. He is a narcissist. He is evil in his sickness and he is a danger to everyone including himself and he has to go. He is pushing buttons that he has no idea what they will do or what their functions are. He has spoken from his heart and has shown everyone that he believes in values that are dangerous, repugnant and un-American. He has supported the actions of domestic terrorists. He has kicked dirt in the face of every foot soldier for freedom, peace and justice. People who have been beaten, imprisoned and killed for peace and justice now suffer the ultimate insult. Their actions are minimized and ignored.

He has made us realize that democracy is very fragile. There is little that stands between us and a totalitarian government, a dictatorship. Donald Trump is governing through anger, fear and bullying. People who should know better have been silenced by his bullying and anger. As a result we are in very deep trouble. He has told us himself, numerous times and in numerous ways, that he will not give, he will only double down. We saw that in his sparing with the press, yesterday (8/15/17). He doubled down and equated Nazis and white supremacists with people who stood up against their hatred.

Some have said we just need to accept his reality and he should be contained and isolated by the people around him and by other branches of government. Certainly others in government should stand up as leaders, come together and govern in spite of him and yes, isolate him. But there seriously needs to be more. He needs to be gone, either voluntarily or by use of the 25th Amendment.

Yes he needs to be gone and the sooner, the better. He stays and there will be more, much more violence and disruption in our country. I believe more people will die if he stays. This is hard to say and hard to talk about but we are at one of the most important times in our history. Remember our history. There is a huge test coming. Will our leaders pass? Will they stand up and help Donald Trump leave his office now?

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