Friday, March 9, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's Humor Needs Some Work

I really think people need to be clear about this. Rush Limbaugh is a provocateur, a political commentator, a talk show host and as some have pointed out, an entertainer. What he has proven he is not, through both his comments recently and in his 'apology', is a comedian. Again, let's be real clear. The comments he made about a young woman were insulting, vile, filled with sexual innuendo and disgusting. They were also untrue. Anyone who really cares just needs to listen to the young woman's testimony and his commentary and accusations back to back. The fact is, he went way over the edge and I think most people know it.

Now I'm all for free speech but I detest hate speech. It exists on all sides of the political spectrum. Some of it is just stupid people making stupid comments. Some of it is extremely hurtful. Most of it is also bullying. Some people love to find groups of people to push around, to continue stereotyping, to intimidate, or to try to stop free and open discussion. Like I say, we've seen it on both sides of the political spectrum. Bill Maher has gotten caught at it a number of times maligning whole groups of people through supposed humor. Their are others - comedians, commentators, politicians, celebrities and just plain folks.

But Limbaugh's comments were particularly insulting and mean spirited. This young woman's only offense was speaking up about a number of issues important to women. He went after her for a number of days, accusing her of all sorts of things - for the sake of entertainment? He suggested that she and other women place sex videos on the internet - to prove a political point? He's been called on it and needs to continue to be called on it. Rhetoric like this really doesn't have a place in legitimate discussions about ideas. But I repeat, he and others have a right to say these kind of things. They also need to understand the consequences and be held accountable for their rants.

There can be an adult conversation about contraception, women's health issues, right to life and right to choice but it shouldn't be held on Limbaugh's terms.

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