Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ferguson and Michael Brown Story Continue

The story from Ferguson, Mo. continues. Actually it's all of the stories from and about Ferguson. In reality these stories are also about the rest of the country. There are so many it can make you dizzy.

It's been 10 days and the protests and tensions continue in Ferguson. I've been watching the news and media coverage from the beginning. I've been trying to figure out what is the main message, information or story? But there are just too many.

We have the story of Michael Brown and his family. The sad reality that this family hasn't been able to bury their son or to grieve completely or even to process what may be happening around them. It also seems that people in authority haven't even tried to keep them informed about their son's death or whatever investigation is taking place.

There are also many stories about the Ferguson community. At this point some of these stories provide very different views and perspectives. Stories about policing and about police investigations as well as stories about the press, protestors and what seem to be serious violations of the First Amendment. There are clearly stories about race and justice, politics and accountability. I've been amazed for example, at the lack of civilian accountability throughout this whole process. No real presence or understanding it seems by the mayor and council members. No authority shown over the local police chief.

Then there's the bigger story - the one about the relationship between black people and white people in this country. That story includes an important discussion about the feelings that whites have about young blacks. That discussion has to be had.

These are all huge issues and won't be resolved quickly. They will continue as long as people grieve, feel ignored and as long as people in authority seemingly refuse to communicate timelines, processes or facts.

The demonstrations and protests seem a bit disorganized with no clear goals or leadership. The media and outside agitators are blamed by police for all of the troubles. This is a pretty simplistic and inaccurate response that has been used many times in the past when people legitimately protest injustice.

As darkness falls on Ferguson, many wait to see if tonight will be different. Perhaps the demonstrators will become more organized. Perhaps the police will find a way to protect property and allow public assembly and media coverage. Perhaps.

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