Thursday, August 21, 2014

Some Thoughts About Writing

As I've said before I really enjoy writing. It allows me to express thoughts that sometimes I don't know if I could communicate verbally. It allows for a thought process and also is pretty forgiving (my delete key).

It isn't easy though. It's hard and sometimes even painful. The same is probably true of every creative process. I tend to write in my head and sometimes getting the thoughts down on the screen or on paper doesn't happen quickly enough and thoughts and ideas are gone. Puff! Disappeared and lost at least for the moment. They may comeback but sometimes they are lost for good.

The point is however is that to write, you have to write. The process has to start. The beauty is that once you get the initial thoughts down, they can be changed, perfected, etc. But you have to start somewhere. I've found that sometimes the starting is often the biggest challenge, but it can be tackled by hitting that first key and composing the first sentence. No amount of staring at the screen or the pad will hurry it up or get it started. That first thought has to be put down.

I've had some people ask me about my audience and readership. Actually it's not something I think a lot about. I'm not sure if many writers spend time thinking about their audience especially as a measure of success. How well an idea is presented or how well a story is told is on the other hand something I think about a lot. Audiences and readership is what publishers probably think about -Who's reading? Is anyone reading? How much are we selling? The writer on the other hand can and most times does write for him or herself or to present an idea. The pleasure is in getting the word out, getting it to make sense, to share an idea or emotion.

We all have to find our muse and understand when and how it moves us. So pay attention to your own muse. It may lead you to writing, singing, painting, photography or so many other outlets that can be shared with others as you wish. The key is though to start doing whatever it is. Create.

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