Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Andrew Cuomo Reported Meddling In Ethics Investigation

The New York Times has published a harsh review of Governor Andrew Cuomo's involvement and his office's involvement in the ethics investigation Cuomo initiated through the creation of a Moreland Commission last year. The article, as well as the Cuomo administration's response can be seen HERE. It is an interesting read and provides some insight into not only Cuomo and his administration but the workings of politics in Albany.

People sometimes wonder why the electorate is cynical and why voter turnout tends to be so low. This story should help in that regard. People in general get disgusted pretty easily at the antics of politicians. The real disservice is by those politicians who present themselves as morally superior and above any reproach. Those who become the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.

Now I understand that there may be issues with some of the story as presented by the Times. Context and perception sometimes cloud issues. But here's a reality that lots of people seem to confirm over and over - Andrew Cuomo has to be in control of everything. He likes to be and seemingly needs to be involved in every decision made by his administration. To the point that he has lost good people who just couldn't get the job done that they thought they were hired to do. These reports have been around for many years and before he was Governor. In addition, he reacts quickly, many times off the cuff, and tries to make anyone questioning his actions look foolish and small. Again, he has to be in total control from issuing press releases to barnstorming the state with announcements about everything under the sun.

None of this is the sign of good governance or true leadership. Some say he still yearns for a national image and presence, perhaps as a presidential or vice-presidential candidate. I'm not sure his personality or governance style will bode well for him in those areas.

Cuomo presents himself as a progressive. I don't think he is at all. He presents himself as a terrific prosecutor and white knight going after corruption wherever it exists. Again, I don't think so. He is always right and others, no matter who they are, including the voters, seem to be wrong.

You don't have to look very far to see what he's done to good people. Bodies are strewn all over the political landscape. His staff basically have learned their strategies and approaches from him and they play very hardball.  The Times article provides details and a sense of how the Governor's game is played. I think it's good reading and many good lessons are learned. Sadly it just builds on the existing disgust with politicians and elected officials.

Followup Editorial by NY Times HERE on Cuomo's Broken Promises.

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