Thursday, July 31, 2014

Suing The President

Congress has decided that suing the President is more important than getting any real work done. You'd think this was a joke but it isn't. Some of these folks are the people we've heard preach for years about Tort reform to end what they have considered frivolous lawsuits. Isn't that ironic? Now the same folks file what just about everyone agrees is not only frivolous, but a complete waste of time and money.

It's not like they don't have real work to do. Immigration reform could have been done a year ago if people had put their minds to it. The minimum wage needs to be addressed. So many other things that people could work through if they just sat down and committed to negotiations. Congress truly is an embarrassment. Both parties have blame here and the President could be doing more to make things happen. Something has to give eventually.

Adding salt to the wound, this do nothing Congress is preparing for their August vacation break. Oh yes, their coming home for their town meetings and fund raising picnics and election campaigning. Harry Truman used his constitutional authority to call them back to Washington to get to work during a similar summer break. Perhaps Obama should at least consider a similar tact.

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