Sunday, July 20, 2014

Health Update

This past week I saw an Oncologist as followup to my colon surgery in early June. I could have seen someone associated with the hospital where I had the surgery but felt it may be important to see someone a bit more independent. In the end I'm not really sure that mattered but it made me feel a little more in control of the situation. I also knew someone who had seen this particular Dr. who thought highly of him. Anyway, I prepared for my meeting with my usual list of questions and concerns. The Dr.'s office had also sent me a pretty extensive new patient questionnaire and had received a complete referral packet from my primary physician including all of the information from my surgery.

This was another hour long trip but in the opposite direction from where my surgery took place. Health care does have it's limits and proximity to patients is one of them and I'm sure it will get even worse. Again, not something you think about much until you need the services.

I had a nice visit with the Dr. He was very engaged, interested in all aspects of my health and knowledgable. He was complimentary of the surgery based on all of the reports and materials he had reviewed. He told me that the surgery and pathology report were really the best outcome one could expect with this type of cancer. He indicated there was a slight chance of the cancer returning over a five year period but said the chances of it not returning were much greater. He is not recommending any Chemotherapy or Radiation at this time. He indicated the importance of regular followups and that was it.

I left the office feeling great and realizing that I am a very lucky and blessed individual. To celebrate I did some yard work. I discovered after about 45 minutes that my arms and legs weren't ready for a total workout. I am going through the classic situation of my head being at a different place then my body in the healing process. So, one step at a time, a little bit at a time and a little better planning in terms of the level of work to be done. Onward.

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