Tuesday, June 25, 2019

They Said It Couldn't Happen Here

They said it couldn't happen here. No way. We're too righteous and good. We're a Judaeo Christian nation with all of the values that would halt such craziness and inhumanity. Plus we have laws and regulations. We have an elected government. Representatives wouldn't let this happen - let their constituents down. If all else did somehow fail, we have a legal system and courts and judges and justices who would come to the rescue in the end. Don't we?

Yes, we were taught in school that it couldn't happen here. We learned this as we hid under little desks and were told to hide our eyes from the nuclear fireball that would surely come someday. That could happen here but it would only be because we were fighting for the right cause, somewhere, someplace.

No it could never happen here. We wouldn't tell mothers we were only taking their children away to give them showers. We wouldn't tell the children we would bring them back to their mothers and then take them to separate cages. We wouldn't do this, would we?

Well we have. We've done that and worse at our southern border. We've locked up people seeking asylum, seeking freedom, seeking a better life. We've separated families, children, mothers and fathers. We've ended economic support to countries where these families come from. We've created more economic injustice and pressure to encourage their migration.

Yes, we all believed it could never happen here but it did. Worse yet, we go about our daily business and shake our heads and go on to the next phase of our day and life. Our streets are empty when they should be full of masses of people protesting the weakness and immorality of our leaders. Our streets are empty and politicians dither, trying to figure out what to do next. We argue about what to call the Trump Camps. Are they Concentration Camps or tent cities or holding points? And children and mothers and fathers sit in overcrowded cages. Pledge allegiance to what??? We should all be ashamed as we watch it happen here.

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