Sunday, June 9, 2019

Trump - Pelosi Feud Shouldn't Be A Model

Yes, the Trump - Pelosi feud has been building for weeks, maybe even months, but it certainly shouldn't be a model for governing on any level. People not working together, not resolving differences and insulting each other, accomplishes little. Perhaps some find it fun to watch or the two main participants feel cleansed once they spew their anger but for the rest of us, its mostly embarrassing and tiresome.

By now we know Donald Trump. We know he lies and embellishes. We know he has violated every norm. We also know that he reacts to what he perceives as attacks on his character, his manhood, his wealth, his family, etc. Nancy Pelosi knows it too. She also knows that his anger, most of the time, makes him say silly and ignorant things. He can be put off balance by a comment or a verbal jab. She is also a master of political theatre.

My own view of this latest jousting between the two is that a pro impeachment Congressman or aide leaked Pelosi's comment about prison for Trump vs impeachment to put her on the spot relative to moving toward impeachment. I'm pretty sure Pelosi has a good idea of who leaked the comment and that a price will eventually be paid. The reality is however that this feud was building. Trump and Pelosi have been on a collision course for a long time and now it's in full view.

Yes, full view and not very pretty. Let me remind people that this just isn't the way any government, on any level should work. Two leaders talking about jailing their opponents. This is the stuff of dictators and banana republics. If this were the norm, local school boards, village boards and county governments would get nothing done.

Every once in awhile, we all have to take a deep breath and realize that chants of "Lock her up" or "Lock him up" are just rubbish and mob governance based on emotion. Debate and compromise are the key to getting things done. They are also hard work and require a commitment to that work. Political theatre on the other hand is pretty easy and accomplishes little beyond entertainment. This show will end as they all do and it probably won't be pretty but for the sake of us all, don't let this be the model that you adopt. It's a failure from the beginning.

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